Friday, January 11, 2008

and we're off...

I officially depart Memphis in less than 5 hours. Britta and I will be traveling separately, and meeting one another in Kathmandu Sunday night. I am lucky enough to spend a layover night in Doha, Qatar, with my good friend Mandy Plummer (Heller) and her husband, Eric!! How sweet they are to be so hospitable to a soon-to-be weary traveler.

We will be in Kathmandu for several days taking a language class, overcoming jetlag, and getting our first impressions of Nepal. I hope to send out a quick update next week!

Much love to all,

1 comment:

Shannon and Brett Hilliard said...

hey rebecca. what a great trip you are beginning. i've been to nepal once, but stayed mainly in k-du. loved it though. hope you have a great time. you'll freeze your @&^$! off, so be warm.